

Reporters with media inquiries on deadline should dial:
214-792-4847, option 1, or email

*Please provide as much information as possible in your initial inquiry including deadline

Requests or advisories that are not news media-related and are misdirected to the inbox or phone number above may not receive a response. We will attempt to direct those messages to the correct recipient.

Credentialed media or others traveling with camera equipment are not eligible for preboarding to stow equipment. Cameras or other equipment are considered one of two permitted carry-on items and must fit in an overhead bin or under a seat. While carry-on baggage should generally adhere to sizing standards (10"x16"x24"), items of reasonable size, including media cameras and professional photography/videography equipment, may be permitted onboard if their fragile nature would preclude them from safe transport in the cargo hold of the aircraft.


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For marketing and strategic sponsorship inquiries, please send proposals to

For advertising requests or inquiries, please send proposals to

For paid media sales (including print, radio, TV, online, and outdoor), please send proposals to

For vendor inquiries or solicitations regarding service proposals, please email

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For Reporters Seeking
Answers to Questions

Phone 214-792-4847, Opt. 1


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